Radiant Corporate Sustainability
Friendly Workplace
Radiant Opto-Electronics always believes that enterprises play an important role in driving society forward. We strive to provide appropriate and compliant working conditions and environment by formulating sound human rights policies and fulfilling our commitments, enable every colleague to develop and realize themselves and drive the positive cycle of the society.

Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy

Radiant Opto-Electronics places significant emphasis on labor rights and adheres to international human rights norms, including the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct, SA 8000 Social Accountability Standard, International Labour Organization (ILO) guidelines, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and local government regulations. We have established the “Radiant  Opto-Electronics Human Rights Policy” and the “Supplier Code of Conduct” in accordance with these standards. To eliminate any acts that infringe upon or violate human rights, Radiant Opto-Electronics clearly declares its commitment to treating and respecting workers with fairness and equity, while complying with local labor laws in its operational areas. We have developed specific human rights protections, labor policies, and related measures to ensure gender equality at work. We continually promote human rights policies and practical principles. By signing the Human Rights Code of Conduct, we ensure that all employees are aware of their rights, safeguard freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and enhance competencies in various aspects to appropriately address diverse challenges.

Diversity,Inclusion,and Equal Opportunities

Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation places a high value on workers’ rights, and offers equal employment opportunities based on ones’ professional and workrelated abilities. We hire talent based solely on merit, without regard to race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disabilities, religion, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Furthermore, Radiant Opto- Electronics Corporation has maintained a politically neutral stance and refrained from endorsing any political activities or making political contributions in 2023.

No discrimination complaints were received at any factories in 2023. There were no incidents in related to the violation of aboriginal rights, gender, or racial discrimination at the Kaohsiung Factory. Additionally, there were also no instances of external human rights scrutiny or impact assessment. The factories located in Mainland China operate in ac-compliance with local laws and regulations. No incidents of discrimination were reported, and labor relations are harmonious. Furthermore, no additional collective labor agreements have been signed.

Labor Human Rights (LHR) Commitments

The Corporation upholds the Company respect freedom of employment for all employees and strictly prohibits any form of forced or compulsory labor throughout our entire operation. Our labor standards in the Company are set in compliance with Taiwan’s “Labor Standards Act” and China’s “Labor Law,” “Special Protection Provisions for Juvenile Workers,” “Labor Contract Law,” and other relevant laws and statutory regulations pertaining to human resources planning. We have established management mechanisms are in place to ensure the implementation of labor human rights (LHR) commitments, including advocating for humane treatment and ethical behavior standards, as well as implementing prevention and control measures for workplace violence.

No Child Labor
Radiant Opto-Electronics is committed to never employing child labor under the age of sixteen and has never engaged child labor in its operations. Our“Management Procedures for Recruitment and Selection” explicitly prohibits the employment of child labor, and we conduct age and identity verification for all applicants to ensure no misuse of child labor. In 2023, none of our factory sites employed individuals under the age of sixteen. All units of outsourced labor across our facilities adhered to the standards prohibiting the employment of child labor, including partnerships with academic institutions and summer internships, with no instances of employing underage workers.

Compliance with Basic Salary Levels
All employees are paid in accordance with the basic wage level stipulated by the local laws and regulations, based on the location of each plant. Additionally, we are obligated to apply for social insurance and provide insurance and welfare measures beyond those required by laws and regulations. These commitments are outlined in the "Employee Code of Conduct."

Compliance with Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct 
Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation adheres to the "Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct," which serves as a reference point for strengthening our own management system. Each year, we conduct self-reviews are conducted and cooperate with customer audits. We strive to ensure that we provide suitable and compliant working conditions and environments that enable every one of our employees to achieve self-development and self-realization. Our goal is to create a workplace that fosters growth and fulfillment for all members of our team. In terms of "Labor and Professional Ethics", the following are our commitments:
• Compliance with relevant local regulations, supporting relevantnternational labor rights standards with action.
• No forced labor, respecting the freedom of employment of each individual.
• No child labor, protecting children with the strictest standards.
• No discrimination or abuse, offering equal respect and humane treatment.
• No bribery, doing business with integrity.
• No procurement or use of conflict minerals, paying attention to suppliers' legal compliance.

Educational Training on Human Rights
Every year, all employees of Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation arranges for all employees to attend an online training course on "RBA Provisions" and ethics & integrity (including anti-corruption).
In 2023, a total of 19,700 employees across the Group received the training, resulting in a 100% training ratio.

Prevention of Workplace Violence 
Radiant Opto-Electronics has implemented measures to prevent workplace violence, including the establishment of provisions for "Prevention of Workplace Violence

Security Practive Assessment 
To maintain safety and order of the factories area, Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation has established security personnel, including both self-organized members within the Group and outsourced personnel, to maintain safety and order in the factories area. To ensure that security personnels have a clear understanding of the Corporation’s system, rules, and details, the relevant department arranges a one-hour staff education and training session on a monthly basis. The training program covers a range of topics, including an overview of security personnel duties, antidiscrimination policies, workplace violence incident response procedures, and reporting protocols. As of 2023, all security personnels have completed the required education and training, totaling 832 hours.


More details

For more information on Radiant's sustainable actions, please read our Sustainability Report.
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