Radiant Corporate Sustainability
Talent Development
Talent is an important asset for an enterprise. In the era of knowledge economy, Radiant Opto-Electronics has established a complete training system and management system, keeping pace with the times in education and training and human resource management, making the sound talent development energy becomes the cornerstone of the sustainable operation of the enterprise.

Training Effectiveness

In 2022, the total number of training hours for education and training was 370,000 hours, with approximately 77,000 employees participating in the training program. This
translates to an average of 4.8 hours of training per employee. The Kaohsiung Factory had a total of 21,445 training hours per capita, which accounts for approximately 2.5% of the total. In contrast, Mainland China had 350,930 training hours per capita, accounting for 94.2% of the total. In 2022, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our operations, resulting in a reduction in the number of in-person courses has reduced and shortened hours for direct training. As a result, there has been a slight decrease in the number of training hours in each factory compared to the previous year. 

The mobile learning app was launched in November 2021, oering employees a flexible learning tool that is not bound by time or location. This app provides a convenient way for employees to learn during their spare time, resulting in greater eciency and convenience and eciency for learning. In 2022, students accumulated 20,262 logins and 4,940 hours of usage were accumulated by the students on the mobile learning app.


More details

For more information on Radiant's sustainable actions, please read our Sustainability Report.
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