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  • Kaohsiung Cianjhen Technology Industrial Park Partners with 15 Companies for a Heartwarming Charity Blood Donation Event 【Economic Daily】
Kaohsiung Cianjhen Technology Industrial Park Partners with 15 Companies for a Heartwarming Charity Blood Donation Event 【Economic Daily】
Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation | 2025-03-03

On the 27th, the Kaohsiung-Pingtung Branch of the Industrial Park Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs held the "Donate Blood, Help Others, Let Love Endure" charity blood donation event at the Cianjhen Science and Technology Industrial Park. Fifteen companies in the park enthusiastically responded to the event, including Tongai Association, the Health Center (the Minsheng Hospital team), Radiant Opto-Electronics Corporation, STL Technology,  Emerging Display Technologies, Taiflex scientific, Mitsui, Nitto Denko, Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics Inc, Doctor Electronics, Walton Advanced Engineering, Jet Optoelectronics, Walsin Technology, Taiwan Sugar’s Kaohsiung branch, and Taiwan IC Packaging Corporation. The event attracted many enthusiastic employees and local residents, creating an atmosphere filled with love and positive energy.


At the event, Branch Chief Yu Shuhui from the Kaohsiung-Pingtung Branch presented trophies to thank the supporting units for their strong backing. In her speech, she expressed, "We are grateful for the selfless love of each blood donor and the hard work of all the staff. This heartwarming charity blood donation activity injects positive energy and vitality into the New Year. We look forward to more companies and partners joining in the future to continue passing on love and contributing more warmth to society."


Three blood donation vehicles were deployed for this event, and a "waiting number" feature was set up to significantly shorten the waiting time, catering to the needs of the blood donors. The event began at 9:00 AM, and donors quickly lined up, creating a lively and touching scene of enthusiasm. According to statistics from the blood donation center, over 300 enthusiastic donors participated in the event, contributing nearly 120,000 c.c. of blood in total, effectively replenishing the blood supply and supporting medical emergencies. This highlighted the enthusiasm of the companies and employees in the industrial park for social welfare.


In addition to the blood donation activity, the Kaohsiung-Pingtung Branch’s Political Ethics Office, Environmental and Labor Safety Section, Police Team, Minsheng Hospital, and Cianjhen Health Center set up informational booths to promote knowledge on integrity, gender equality laws, anti-fraud awareness, AIDS, infectious diseases (both acute and chronic), tobacco harm prevention, and chronic disease prevention. These efforts helped raise health literacy among employees and the public, contributing to the creation of a more friendly social environment.


The "Donate Blood, Help Others, Let Love Endure" event not only successfully collected blood to replenish the medical blood bank but also conveyed boundless love and care. The Industrial Park Administration’s Kaohsiung-Pingtung Branch emphasized that it would continue to uphold the spirit of "giving back to society" and promote more public welfare activities. Together with the companies in the industrial park, it will further implement sustainable development, ensuring that the power of love continues to flourish.



NEWS reference: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5613/8577849?from=edn_related_storybottom

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